Citizen Science Program: ASAS-SN - Classify the light curves of variable stars and help find the most unusual ones!

Variable stars are useful astrophysical tools that have been used to study the evolution of stars, the structure of our Galaxy and they also form a rung in the astrophysical distance ladder to nearby star clusters and galaxies.

The goal of Citizen ASAS-SN is to classify the light curves of variable stars identified in the ASAS-SN g-band data including data from the 8 telescopes here and here at CTIO.

By classifying these light curves, you will help scientists better understand the population of variable stars in our Galaxy. Through your efforts, we also hope to identify unusual variables that inform us of the peculiar ways that some stars behave in.


Citizen ASAS-SN

About the Citizen Science Program

Release date:17 de Noviembre de 2021 a las 11:53


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