A workshop sponsored by NOAO and the LSST Corporation

The LSST wide-fast-deep survey is expected to revolutionize the discovery and study of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group, with important consequences for understanding galaxy formation and evolution. In the spirit of the LSSTC call to “help the community Prepare”, and AURA’s on-going commitment to enabling astronomical research, NOAO is pleased to organize and host this 2+ day technically focused workshop on dwarf companion studies.

Topics will include:

  • Theory context and guidance
  • Review of recent searches
  • Catalog and pixel based search techniques
  • The status of the “missing dwarf” problem
  • Future directions

There will also be sufficient time for participant-initiated topical coverage.

The workshop concept is for a short but in-depth conversation among active researchers, with a minimum of prepared presentations and an emphasis on group discussion within the plenary attendance.

On the afternoon preceding the workshop, there will be an introductory session, directed primarily toward students and early career scientists, but open to all.

Following the main program, there will be time and space for continued discussions and for hack sessions and demos of techniques, including recently released NOAO Data Lab tools useful for dwarf companion studies.

All participants will be expected to contribute actively, as session moderator, scribe, or presenter. The web site has a draft agenda, and preference will be given to those applicants who identify one or more assignments that they would welcome.

We are funded to provide travel support, which may be full or partial depending on need. A part of these funds will be reserved for student/early career participants, for whom motivation will largely substitute for prior experience.


Program: Knut Olsen (chair, SOC)
Venue: Steve Ridgway