# WPREP - prepare raw WHIRC data # 10MAR2009: Adapted from Mike Merrill's SQCORR script # 08DEC2010: Using revised WCS values after orientation of array on sky # apparently changed between June and November 2009. Data prior to this # should be corrected using oldwprep1.cl # 22MAR2013: Recalculate rotator offset after header was changed from # radians to degrees! Data taken between November 2009 and June 2012 # should use oldwprep2.cl. If ROTOFF = 0, there is no difference # between WPREP.CL and OLDWPREP2.CL # Carries out the following: Fowler renormalization; linearity correction; # WCS recalculation for instrument rotator offset; trim to 2048X2048; # Add header flag WPREP=3 (OLDWPREP1 flag = 1; previous OLDWPREP2 flag = 2) procedure wprep (input, output) string input {prompt="Input raw images"} string output {prompt="Output image descriptor: @list||.ext||%in%out%"} bool verbose {yes,prompt="Verbose output?"} file logfile {"STDOUT",prompt="logfile name"} struct *inlist,*outlist,*l_list begin int nin, irootlen, orootlen, stat, pos1b, pos1e, pos2b, pos2e,nex string in,in1,in2,out,iroot,oroot,uniq,sopt,img,sname,sout,sbuff,sjunk, smean, smedian, smode, front, srcsub, color, sexpr file blank, nflat, infile, outfile, im1, tmp1, tmp2, l_log, colorlist bool found string gimextn, imextn, imname, imroot, fowler, rotoff real ff, rr, cd11, cd12, cd21, cd22, aa, bb struct line = "" # Make sure that correct packages are loaded noao.imred.irred # Assign positional parameters to local variables in = input out = output # get IRAF global image extension show("imtype") | translit ("",","," ",delete-) | scan (gimextn) nex = strlen(gimextn) uniq = mktemp ("_Tirp") infile = mktemp ("tmp$irp") outfile = mktemp ("tmp$irp") tmp1 = mktemp ("tmp$irp") tmp2 = mktemp ("tmp$irp") l_log = mktemp ("tmp$irp") im1 = uniq // ".im1" l_list = l_log # check whether input stuff exists if ((stridx("@%.",out) != 1) && (stridx(",",out) <= 1)) { # Verify format of output descriptor print ("Improper output descriptor format: ",out) print (" Use @list or comma delimited list for fully named output") print (" Use .extension for appending extension to input list") print (" Use %inroot%outroot% to substitute string within input list") goto skip } # check whether input stuff exists l_list = l_log print (in) | translit ("", "@:", " ") | scan(in1,in2) if ((stridx("@",in) == 1) && (! access(in1))) { # check input @file print ("Input file ",in1," does not exist!") goto skip } print (in) | translit ("", ":", " ") | scan(in1,in2) sections (in1,option="nolist") if (sections.nimages == 0) { # check input images print ("Input images in file ",in, " do not exist!") goto skip } # Expand input file name list sections (in1, option="root",> infile) # Expand output image list if (stridx("@,",out) != 0) { # @-list # Output descriptor is @-list or comma delimited list sections (out, option="root",> outfile) } else { # namelist/substitution/append inlist = infile for (nin = 0; fscan (inlist,img) !=EOF; nin += 1) { # Get past any directory info if (stridx("$/",img) != 0) { print (img) | translit ("", "$/", " ", >> l_log) stat = fscan(l_list,img,img,img,img,img,img,img,img) } i = strlen(img) if (substr(img,i-nex,i) == "."//gimextn) # Strip off imextn img = substr(img,1,i-nex-1) # Output descriptor indicates append or substitution based on input list if (stridx("%",out) > 0) { # substitution print (out) | translit ("", "%", " ") | scan(iroot,oroot) if (nscan() == 1) oroot = "" irootlen = strlen(iroot) while (strlen(img) >= irootlen) { found = no pos2b = stridx(substr(iroot,1,1),img) # match first char pos2e = pos2b + irootlen - 1 # presumed match end pos1e = strlen(img) if ((pos2b > 0) && (substr(img,pos2b,pos2e) == iroot)) { if ((pos2b-1) > 0) sjunk = substr(img,1,pos2b-1) else sjunk = "" print(sjunk//oroot// substr(img,min(pos2e+1,pos1e),pos1e), >> outfile) found = yes break } else if (pos2b > 0) { img = substr(img,pos2b+1,pos1e) # move past first match } else { # no match found = no break } } if (! found) { # no match print ("root ",iroot," not found in ",img) goto skip } } else # name/append print(img//out,>> outfile) } } count(infile) | scan (pos1b); count(outfile) | scan (pos2b) if (pos1b != pos2b) { print ("Mismatch between input and output lists: ",pos1b,pos2b) join (tmp1,outfile) goto skip } nin = pos1b inlist = "" # send newline if appending to existing logfile if (access(logfile)) print("\n",>> logfile) # Loop through data inlist = infile; outlist = outfile while ((fscan (inlist,sname) != EOF) && (fscan(outlist,sout) != EOF)) { # Fowler renormalization and linearity correction fowler = "FOWLER" imgets(sname,fowler) ff = real(imgets.value) imarith (sname,"/",ff,sout,pixtype="r",calctype="r",hparams="") irlincor(sout,sout,coeff1=1.00,coeff2=0.004227,coeff3=0.02691) # WCS recalculation for nonzero rotator offset angles rotoff = "ROTOFF" imgets(sout,rotoff) rr = real(imgets.value) / 57.296791 aa = 2.7374523e-5 + 0.0469199e-5*cos(2*rr) bb = 2.7374523e-5 + 0.0469199e-5*cos(2*(rr+1.570796)) cd11 = aa*cos(4.7115163 - rr) cd12 = aa*sin(4.7115163 - rr) cd21 = bb*cos(3.1401969 - rr) cd22 = bb*sin(3.1401969 - rr) hedit(sout,"CD1_1",cd11,add=no,verify=no,show=no,update=yes) hedit(sout,"CD1_2",cd12,add=no,verify=no,show=no,update=yes) hedit(sout,"CD2_1",cd21,add=no,verify=no,show=no,update=yes) hedit(sout,"CD2_2",cd22,add=no,verify=no,show=no,update=yes) hedit(sout,"WPREP", "3", add=yes,verify=no,show=no,update=yes) # Trim off 128 reference columns sout = sout + "[1:2048,1:2048]" imcopy (sout, sout, ver-) sections (sout, option="root") } skip: # Finish up inlist = ""; outlist = ""; l_list = "" delete (im1//","//tmp1//","//tmp2//","//l_log, verify-,>& "dev$null") delete (infile//","//outfile//","//colorlist, verify-,>& "dev$null") end